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    Before You Buy - For Sellers

    Consumers are now demanding transparency and efficiency in everything they do. Buying your property is no different, and having a Building & Pest Inspection/Strata report upfront makes transacting easier.

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    Over 97k Reports

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    70% of successful property purchasers bought report

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    85% of report buyers bought or bid on the property

    The figures above show that for a fraction of the cost of a report, you have the opportunity of getting at least one qualified bidder on your property in over 85% of cases. These bidders could help increase the sale price of your property by much more than the investment you are making in a report.

    The two biggest reasons that a sales campaign falls over are issues with (1) finance, or (2) an inspection report. You can reduce the risk of your property sale falling over – and help push your sales price up – by getting a report upfront.

    In our experience at BYB, transparency is key to a successful sale.

    Before You Buy (BYB) Reports

    BYB offers inspection reports prepared by qualified and insured inspectors. Our pricing structure makes reports affordable for sellers and potential buyers.

    You could secure your sale sooner with minimal cost.

    Why transparency helps sell your property

    Rhys Rogers, Co-Founder & CEO of BYB

    Rhys Rogers, Co-Founder & CEO of BYB

    John McGrath, Founder of McGrath Estate Agents

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. I had to pay full price for a report when I bought property – why should I help reduce costs for interested buyers?

    By reducing the cost of the report for interested buyers, you can increase the number of qualified bidders doing due diligence on your property. Your property is competing with another one in the area, and you want to make it as easy as possible for a buyer to transact on yours.

    2. What if the report uncovers something negative in the report?

    Almost all properties have “defects”. If an inspection report uncovers something negative, you can either: (1) fix minor issues, (2) consider delaying the sales campaign to work on major issues, or (3) do nothing but know that your sales agent is armed with all the information necessary to sell your property.

    In our experience at BYB, transparency is key to a successful sale.

    3. Can I discuss the report with the inspector?

    Yes, you can discuss the contents of the report with the inspector which can help you decide whether you would like to fix any issues.

    Our Services

    As well as Building & Pest Inspection and Strata reports, we offer Pool Inspection Reports for NSW & QLD sellers/vendors.

    Pool Inspection Report
    (NSW & QLD only)

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    Contact Us

    If you have questions that are not covered above, please contact us. To place an order, simply enter the address into the search field above.